交易方式 - 销售
Available Trade Method Options
Professional. Diverse. Efficient. Security.
- Method: Auction allows you to set a minimum reserve price. Auctions can start within 7 days or 21 days. All auctions run for 72 hours. Bids made within the remaining 2 minutes will extend the auction a further 10 minutes. The buyer submitting the highest bid price (above the reserve) earns the right to purchase from you.
Benefit: An efficient and quick method to sell your wine at the best available current market price. Ideal for testing the market’s demand and converting inventory capital to cash.
Best Offer
- Method: A by-negotiation method. Receive offers from multiple buyers and make counter offers, and accept or decline prices and supply terms.
Benefit: Provides comprehensive engagement with buyers to reach an outcome acceptable to you. Enables negotiation only on the components that you agree.
Fixed Price
- Method: Sell your wine at a fixed, non-negotiable price. Only supply terms, incoterms and delivery timing can be negotiated.
Benefit: Only accept a purchase at your price. A trade method to consider when the market is balanced or supply is short for the wine you’re selling.
Swap Offer
- Method: Sample, negotiate and exchange volumes of different wines, to the same total value with another producer. No financial payment is exchanged, only the wines equalling the same negotiated total value. Add a listing in the Main Exchange (or Sub Exchange) for the wine and volume you're wanting to offer and select your wine preferences (up to 5) you would like to receive. VINEX provides a Swap Calculator to assist in your negotiations.
Benefit: Enables producers to balance their inventory levels whilst preserving cash flow, by offering to exchange wines with other producers on agreed terms.
Pre-Harvest Buy Forward Contract*
- Method: Negotiate supplying next vintage wine based on a current stylistic sample and product specification. This method is only available for 5 months prior to the next vintage starting.
Benefit: Based on your projection of the market, this method can lock-in future sales and provide you with greater confidence in planning your vintage and production volume.
*Only available to Professional and Corporate members
Before listing an available wine to sell and selecting a trade method(s), you should refer to the TRADING RULES for a complete understanding on the workings of each trade method.
All completed trades immediately become an Irrevocable Commitment and are subject to the CLEARING & SETTLEMENT approval process before a contract is issued.